


HOPE® Fixative System I

HOPE® - Formalin-free fixation technique for molecular pathology and research!

Tissue conservation using the new HOPE®-technique provides paraffin embedded tissue blocks with native structure of the macro-molecules (protein, DNA, RNA) in the tissue.

During HOPE® fixation, tissue samples are incubated in HOPE® I solution, then in HOPE® II solution, followed by a dehydration with acetone and subsequent embedding in paraffin. For this tissue processing no alcohols or aldehydes (formalin, glutaraldehyde) are used. As a consequence, there is no cross-linking of macro- molecular structures during the process. This opens up new opportunities to characterize tissues out of paraffin blocks.

Applications for immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization targeting RNA and DNA, PCR and RT-PCR have been demonstrated using properly prepared paraffin embedded tissue sections. Tissue specimens fixed with the HOPE® technique allow greater morphology and retrospective studies on the molecular level.

The HOPE®-Fixation technique requires HOPE® Fixative System I and HOPE® Fixative System II to complete the protocol.


  • PCR
  • RT-PCR
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • In situ hybridization targeting RNA and DNA


  • Achieve IHC on paraffin tissue without antigen unmasking
  • IHC using antibodies which do not work on formalin fixed parafffin embedded tissue
  • No more overfixed formalin tissue samples
  • Unmatched results in RNA and DNA in situ hybridization
  • Excellent conservation of nucleic acids for PCR and RT-PCR
Cat.# 容量 定価
24823-500 500 ml ¥ 79,700
24823-2500 2500 ml ご照会

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